Monday, November 22, 2010


A few weeks ago I got to meet Trina at her sweet shop, the atmosphere was welcoming the minute you walk through the door!~! Shine is now at Trinity Salon and Spa and we look forward to working with them to provide lots of SHINE to them and their clients!~

check them out on facebook or their website at

Any time spent at Trinity leaves you feeling invigorated, relaxed, and truly pampered. It's unbelievable how fantastic they make you feel."
- Helen Hodgson - Body Beautiful

Welcome Spank Shoes on Commercial!~

I had the pleasure of meeting Junko at Spank Shoes on Commercial, they are now selling SHINE at their shoe location!~ They also have 5 other locations that we are soon hoping to fill all their accessory needs there too!~


We are hosting an amazing evening to show our appreciation for our customers over the years!

This event will be at BOTH of our Commercial Drive locations. Which means....Shoes AND Clothing sales and discounts!!

There will be freebies and fun times to be had!!
So come in November 25th for big discounts, freebies and giveaways, snacks and drinks, and Spankalicious FUN!! — Spank created an event.
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Spank Customer Appreciation Night!
Thursday at 6:00pm
1027 Commercial Drive & 1181 Commercial Drive